Tuesday 3 December 2013

How committed are you?

Today I got told that I had a lack of commitment towards being a head of department because I said no to going away for a second unpaid working weekend away this academic year. I have already committed to one.

This led towards me being in a bad mood all day and just wondering how much more committed I could possibly be?

I have literally given up parts of my life and things that I enjoy because of my job. I used to go to the gym. Now I work so many extra hours and am too shattered to even consider it. I speak to my parents and siblings a lot less than I'd like to because I am normally too busy or if not, too tired to ring. Or I'm stressed about work so don't want to ring because I know they'll be able to tell I'm down. I don't get to spend quality time with my boyfriend most evenings on a work night as I'm working. I can't cook a decent dinner because I'm worried it will take too long. I have broken nights sleep because I'm stressed about work. It never ends.

I understand as head of department I have a lot of responsibility, I get paid more and I need to have a high level of commitment. However, where is the line?

Monday 24 June 2013

Revision lessons

It's that time of year when the exams are upon us and we are all doing lots of revision sessions for students. There comes a point when you get to your revision lesson and wonder how you can deliver the material differently to make it less repetitive for the students.

The purpose of this post is for me to record a list of revision lesson/activity ideas that I have collected and used to share with you all. Also I find it quite handy to have a toolkit of the things that I have used so I don't forget them!

1. Multiple choice quiz using either Socrative or the Promethean Race Car Game

2. Mount past paper questions on bigger paper and allow students to work in groups to annotate the questions first - what sort of response is being looked for? What are the key points on that topic? Then structure their answer

3. Higher level thinking activity where students are given an image related to the topic and there are a set of four questions round the outside to delve in to what the topic is about, such as:
  • What is it? 
  • How does it work? 
  • What does it do? 
  • How do you use it?

Higher level thinking activity

4. Pass the question - give the students an exam question to answer and a mini whiteboard to pass around. They are all only allowed to contribute one word each time they get the whiteboard. Once they have written their word the whiteboard gets passed on to the next person to add a word to gradually build up the answer.

5. Write a song - give the students a print out of the lyrics of a popular song (don't let them chose a song - it takes forever!) and they have to rewrite the lyrics with a revision topic.

6. Padlet - Padlet.com is an amazing teaching tool. It basically enables you to set up a wall/electronic pinboard where you can put different resources eg. text, images, links etc and can be contributed to collaboratively. As a revision lesson tool, particularly for key stage 5, I get students to collaboratively contribute to a padlet by giving them topics that they need to produce revision for to upload on to the padlet.

Below is one I created for my GCSE ICT students where they can access all of the revision material in one place.

padlet revision
Padlet revision
7. Wordle presentations - how many times have you asked students to prepare and present to the class to then listen to 20 of them read out the slides they are displaying? The Wordle presentation forces them to present without reading off a slide.

First of all, give students a topic or section of the specification. Get them to pick out the key words and create a wordle. Then get them to prepare a 2/3 minute talk on the topic. When presenting to the class, they can only have the Wordle on display and in front of them for stimulus.

wordle revision

8. Stop motion animation - students create a stop motion animation using mini whiteboards or similar on a given topic.

Stop motion animation revision
Stop motion animation

Keep an eye on this post as it is a working progress.


Thursday 21 February 2013

Promoting Computing to your students

Here is a collection of links and resources to help promote Computing or Computer Science to your students.


Promo video

Posters (think you have to be logged in to CAS Online to view)


Video on why students should learn to write code

I will add to this post as and when I come across more useful resources. Please feel free to comment below and let me know of any I've missed and I'll add them to the post.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Internet and networks vocabulary worksheet

Happy half term everyone!

I can see on Twitter most teachers are working throughout this half term, as am I. I am writing a year 9 Computing unit on Communication and the Internet, so I thought I'd take a break to share a resource with you that I have just created. If this was printed it would still be warm!

It's a matching activity for some Internet and network key terms.

It could be used for ICT as well as Computing. You could either use it as a worksheet or cut it out for the kinaesthetic learners. Might be a nice little starter, plenary or homework activity.

Here is the resource.

Monday 21 January 2013

Some basic Visual Basic tasks

Useful for either recapping, homework, a mini test or extension work.

There are 6 questions that ask students to write some simple Visual Basic programs, each question increases in difficulty. It also contains solutions.

The resource is here.

Friday 11 January 2013

Objective Led Learning

I was a joint leader in an 'objective led learning' working group a little while ago. We were tasked with researching and trying different techniques then creating a handout for the rest of the staff.

Everybody came up with some great ideas and we produced a really helpful handout.

I suggest you try post-it note objectives with controlled assessment or coursework based lessons. This is personal favourite of mine that I picked up during my training year. Or getting the students to RAG the objectives at the start and then again at the end of the lesson to use as an assessment tool to show progression is a handy technique.

Which are your favourites?

You can download the handout here.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

The 5 minute lesson plan

At our staff meeting today we were introduced to the "5 minute lesson plan" from the teachers toolkit. Now this is something I can get on board with!

It looks quite straightforward to fill in, though I am having a bit of difficulty in getting to grips with "stickability".

Another bonus is that it is apparently Ofsted friendly!

I shall definitely be giving this a go. In fact, I've already planned a lesson tomorrow using it.

Download it here.