Monday 21 January 2013

Some basic Visual Basic tasks

Useful for either recapping, homework, a mini test or extension work.

There are 6 questions that ask students to write some simple Visual Basic programs, each question increases in difficulty. It also contains solutions.

The resource is here.

Friday 11 January 2013

Objective Led Learning

I was a joint leader in an 'objective led learning' working group a little while ago. We were tasked with researching and trying different techniques then creating a handout for the rest of the staff.

Everybody came up with some great ideas and we produced a really helpful handout.

I suggest you try post-it note objectives with controlled assessment or coursework based lessons. This is personal favourite of mine that I picked up during my training year. Or getting the students to RAG the objectives at the start and then again at the end of the lesson to use as an assessment tool to show progression is a handy technique.

Which are your favourites?

You can download the handout here.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

The 5 minute lesson plan

At our staff meeting today we were introduced to the "5 minute lesson plan" from the teachers toolkit. Now this is something I can get on board with!

It looks quite straightforward to fill in, though I am having a bit of difficulty in getting to grips with "stickability".

Another bonus is that it is apparently Ofsted friendly!

I shall definitely be giving this a go. In fact, I've already planned a lesson tomorrow using it.

Download it here.